
The dynamism and vitality of this segment build a good foundation…


which represents the basis of Emerging and Frontier Markets Economy


growth in Emerging and Frontier Markets by access to a funding


promotes excellence, leadership,  mutual respect entrepreneurship,


Small, medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and very small businesses are widely recognized for the important part they play in economic growth, innovation, regional development and job creation.The dynamism and vitality of this segment build a good foundation to improve the standard of living and reduce poverty. Emerging and frontier Markets SMEs are struggling to obtain financing, which is essential for a vibrant and healthy private sector.
Without adequate financing mechanisms, private investment, as well as corporate working capital, is in difficulty. As a result, business creation is limited, existing firms have difficulty expanding, and consequently, economic growth is limited or non-existent. While large Emerging and Frontier Markets firms also face problems of underfinancing, in fact, SMEs are the most particularly affected. Microenterprises, on the other hand, are partially covered by microfinance institutions. In order to unleash the Emerging and Frontier Markets full potential and achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, Emerging and Frontier Markets needs to address the issue of access to finance which depends primarily on the availability of financial resources, but also on accessibility according to financing characteristics in terms of cost and maturity of debt. PrivateGrowth Fund is addressing this “missing part” by developing a comprehensive solution targeting SMEs in Emerging Market in specific sectors of agribusiness, infrastructure and renewable energy.


our vision

PrivateGrowth Fund supports SMEs segment, which represents the basis of Emerging and Frontier Markets Economy, with the objective to set-up the Emergy Markets in a more attractive, innovative and secured market place position for investors, laying down the foundation of a responsible and durable economic and social development.


PrivateGrowth Fund boosts SMEs growth in Emerging Markets by providing them with an access to a funding that is tailored to their size and level of development, allowing them to reach a sustainable and controlled evolution, while offering an interesting return to investors.



At the heart of its investment policy, societal and environmental issues are a priority that must be addressed during the project  evaluation phases.

PrivateGrowth Fund promotes excellence, leadership, entrepreneurship, mutual respect and consideration of environmental factors while aiming to achieve a high level of performance in terms of results and objectives for the various project stakeholders.

our Team

Sylvain KOUDA

Jean A. Sylvain KOUDA

Co-founder & CEO

Jean Arthur Sylvain Co-founded « PrivateGrowth LP » alongside Eric and Maxime.
He is a Telco-entrepreneur and NGO-entrepreneur (profit and non-profit organization).

A Telco engineer, He is graduated Master Degree in Physics in 1989 (Tours France). He is also trained in Development Finance (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Germany) (Expert in SME finance, Expert in Agricultural Finance, Expert in Sustainable finance, Expert in Micro-Finance, Expert in Islamic Micro-Finance).

Jean Arthur Sylvain began his career as an independent Telco-Consultant in Paris – London – Brussels. His passion and his pragmatism about growing companies push him to decide to co-found « PrivateGrowth LP », in order to experience the companies journey from a « Venture Capitalist » perspective.

His Motto

« No pain, No gain »




With her discernment, energy and enthusiasm, Arielle will helps to find and invest in best companies.

Arielle is graduated from « Ecole Supérieure d’Assurances » , Bachelor « Banque et Assurances » in 2018 (Paris, France)

Arielle began his career in Bank and Insurance universe. Arielle has over 3 years of experience in Bank and Insurance universe.
She worked for as « In charge of internal control and risk management » for « Malakoff Mederic Humanis » (Paris, France).
She worked as « compensation and underwriting Manager » for « Allianz » (Paris France)

She joined « PrivateGrowth LP » in order to experience the companies journey from a VC perspective.


« As a team player, I know how difficult it can be to grow a business from scratch and make the
right decisions at the right time. I am here and happy to help you with that! »



Co-founder - Risk Manager and Associate

Eric co-founded « PrivateGrowth LP » alongside Sylvain and Maxime.
With his discernment, energy and enthusiasm, Eric will helps to find and invest in best companies.

Eric is graduated « Master Degree in Private Law in 1998 « University of Bordeaux IV » (France).
He is also graduated « Master Degree Bordeaux Business School » in 2010 (France)

Eric started his career as a Corporate Law Consultant and
as an Insurance and Risk Manager.

He co-founded « PrivateGrowth LP » in order to experience the companies journey
from a Venture Capitalist perspective.

His Motto

« I don’t care if they stole my idea … I worry that they don’t have it themselves »



Co-founder & Senior Associate

Maxime co-founded « PrivateGrowth LP » alongside Eric and Sylvain, bringing to the trio his vision, drive and experience as an entrepreneur.

Maxime is graduated « Master Engineer Degree in Finance » in 1995 (Paris – France).
Maxime began his career in finance. Maxime has over 20 years of experience
in Bank universe. He worked as project Manager on regulatory projects.
He Worked for: Oddo-Bhf, Abn-Amro, Palatine Bank, Axa Bank, Caecis Bank,
Deutsche Bank, Caisse des Dépots et Consignation, Cortal Bnp Paribas

Maxime’s experience and his passion for entrepreneurship,
led him to co-found « PrivateGrowth LP » in order to experience the companies
journey from a Venture Capitalist perspective.

His Motto

« I never loose, I win or I learn »


PrivateGrotwh LP  will be joined by a team of highly skilled executives and professionnals with extensives investments and experiences as 
well as strong market knowledge, drawn from a rich and diverse talent pool worldwide.
 PrivateGrotwh LP  need more Private Equity Talent to increase  deals counts, buy better and exit bigger.
 PrivateGrotwh LP  will also onboard « Operating Partners ».